Ready, Steady, Go continues!

Ready Steady Go! Project has embarked a group of young artists and cultural professionals from Serbia, Italy, Spain, Greece, Kosovo, Croatia, Tunisia, Egypt, and Morocco in a journey to explore mobility. In a first workshop organised in Palermo (Italy) in April, participants shared the main features of their respective contexts, reflected about the challenges of mobility, and were presented some tools and resources that could facilitate their access to the international cultural scene.
Over the Summer, online learning sessions gave the opportunity to the group to remain connected, and for everyone to refine their mobility projects, navigating challenges unique to their remote or decentralized communities. The second workshop in Elefsina (Greece) in October was another pivotal milestone, as participants drafted their own vision of green mobility, exchanged feedback on their evolving projects, and continued building their network of cultural change-makers. All throughout the programme, participants have built a common vision of sustainable cultural mobility and improved their skills in developing strong alliances and broad partnerships as a way to develop their career path and strengthen the artistic impact of projects in the Mediterranean. as a way to develop their career path and strengthen the artistic impact of projects in the Mediterranean.
The dissemination event in Elefsina was designed as a site-specific promenade presentation of 12 small scale artistic projects, designed, curated and produced by the participants during Ready Steady Go! implementation. Bearing the title “Mobility Stories | From the Mediterranean to the neighbourhood of Elefsina, the event created bridges between the young participants presenting their mobility initiative in the fields of circus, photography, festivals, as well as visual and performing arts, and the local community, mostly shaped by Asia Minor refugees’ descendants, fostering the dialogue between people and artists on the move.
Two publications are currently in progress to continue disseminating the results of the project to a broader community: guidelines for mobility supporters, and Move in Med, sharing the content of the project and giving the chance to hear young artists and culture professionals’ stories throughout Europe and beyond.
Ready Steady Go! is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme, and developed by the Roberto Cimetta Fund in partnerhsip with, Busart, Al Badil and Amuni.