OTM : Mobility from African Countries to Schengen Countries (visas)

These questionnaires are part of a study on mobility concepts and definitions in Africa and Europe coordinated by On the Move, the cultural mobility information network active in Europe and internationally. It is implemented within the scope of the Deconfining project co-funded by the European Union and coordinated by ITI – Germany.
There are two questionnaires:
- One targets host/inviting organisations (cultural venue, festival, residency place, biennale, etc.) based and registered in a Schengen country that have encountered visa problems and/or refusals for artists and culture professionals they invited from African countries. It is available in English.
- One targets artists and culture professionals in African countries that experienced Schengen visa problems or rejections. It is available in English and French.
The aim of these questionnaires is to collect information about the nature of the problems encountered since June 2019 until the time of this survey, as well as their related impacts for the host organisations and the invited artists and/or culture professionals. The date of June 2019 as a reference period has been used because it is linked to the start of the implementation of the revised Schengen Visa Code.
Data and information will only be used within the scope of this study that will be made available on the websites of the Deconfining project and of On the Move.
Deadline: 27 May 2023.