Open call: Med Youth Meeting 2024
In 2015, REF – Réseau Euromed France launched the “Mediterranean Youth” project which brings together every year about 80 young Mediterranean people involved in civil society on issues related to employment and vocational training, civic participation, migration and mobility, social and climate justice and freedom of expression.
Over the years and through meetings, we have built a space of freedom and networking providing the participants with the opportunity to enhance their practices implemented locally, to strengthen their knowledge and to make the voice of Mediterranean youth heard.
The Med Youth network is now a recognised space for dialogue, cooperation, exchange, discovery, and encounter, for a common future between the two Mediterranean shores.
From 12 to 15 June, the REF and its partner Mana Chuma Teatro will organise a new Med Youth meeting in Reggio Calabria (Calabria, Italy). Bringing together about 80 participants, this meeting will be a highlight of the cycle of activities of the Med Youth network. The programme of these days will include thematic workshops, meetings with local associations, debates, cultural events and awareness raising events open to the general public.
This meeting will be followed by thematic workshops on the themes of the project carried out in countries on both Mediterranean shores with the aim of building common actions.
Eligibility criteria:
- A young person aged between 18 and 35,
- Coming from one of the following countries: Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey.
- Engaged in the civil society through an organisation or a personal project (journalism, blogging, art, entrepreneurship…) on one or more of the 5 themes of the project.
- Available to travel to Reggio Calabria from 12 to 15 June 2024.
Please note that all expenses related to this event (transportation, accommodation, meals) will be covered by the organisers.
Deadline: 8 February 2024
Languages: English / Arabic / Italian