Grants & Opportunities

Responding to the ever-strong need for artists and cultural professionals to have access to mobility, the Roberto Cimetta Fund issues mobility grants and offers support and training programs related to mobility.

Call for Applications: Gil Mendo Mobility Gran

The Roberto Cimetta Fund (RCF) in partnership with the Directorate-General for the Arts (DGArtes) of the Portuguese Ministry of Culture and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, are honoring the legacy of Gil Mendo by launching the Gil Mendo Mobility Grant (GMMG). This grant aims to support artists’ and other cultural professionals’ mobility related to dance and including transdisciplinary crossover approaches. 

Gil Mendo (Lisbon, 1946-2022) was one of the founding members of the RCF and had a pivotal role in the creation of DGArtes. He  made significant contributions to support artistic creation in Portugal and abroad through programming, education, policy development, cooperation, networking and internationalization. The grant pays tribute to his legacy, fostering artistic and cultural circulation and collaborations, between Portugal and the Mediterranean region.

The goal of GMMG is to enhance knowledge and capacities through peer exchange, learning, co-creation, co-production and networking, and to increase work opportunities while directly or indirectly contributing to cultural development in the Mediterranean. Initiatives shall highlight the contribution and potential impact of the mobility project in the local and/or regional artistic and cultural scene, most especially on the dance field. 

Candidates are invited to apply for a lump sum ranging approx. from 500€ to 1500€, to cover fully or partially the costs related to their mobility project, such as travel tickets, visas, accommodation, etc. 

Eligibility criteria:

  1. Candidates are cultural individual professionals such as artists, managers, producers, researchers, journalists, programmers, curators, etc. (not organisations), irrespective of age, proposing individual mobility projects (not collective nor group mobility)
  2. Proposals shall address dance as main focus and/or departing point, including any transdisciplinary crossover approach
  3. The purpose of the mobility shall be justified in the frame of the applicant’s professional project/career development, such as, among others: 
  • preparation of a professional project;
  • establishment of a partnership, co-creation and/or co-production;
  • participation in an artistic research project or in a residency;
  • participation in a network meeting;
  • participation in artistic and professional training/education (internships, masterclasses, exchanges, study trips);
  • attendance of debates, conferences, seminars, festivals

4. Under the current call, eligible beneficiaries are arts and culture professionals and cultural operators based in Portugal (including archipelagos of Açores and Madeira) and non-EU countries around the Mediterranean basin, such as the Western Balkans, North Africa and the Middle East.

5. Mobility must take place between Portugal and other non-EU countries in the Mediterranean basin, i.e. Portugal must be the point of departure or arrival for this mobility.

Selection criteria of the mobility project: 

  1. Clarity and relevance;
  2. Artistic and cultural quality;
  3. Capacity to deliver / Feasibility of the mobility project implementation;
  4. Impact and contribution to the local and/or regional artistic and cultural scene. Special attention will be given to expected effects of the mobility on the dance field in the region;
  5. Priority will be given to independent artists and cultural professionals.


The candidates are required to fill the application form in Portuguese or English including:

  • a motivation letter (max 5000 characters) that responds to the guiding questions
  • CV (max 2 pages)

The deadline for submission is: 14 October 2024 at 23:59 GMT+1/Portugal time. All candidates will be notified of the selection decision to the email indicated in the application form. 

Prior hearing

Candidates may submit a written statement on the content of the decision, within a maximum period of 10 working days, to be sent to the following email:

Payment and reporting

Selected grantees will receive a convention including the conditions for the payment of the grant to be signed by each grantee. They  will be requested to send a  brief report of their mobility project within one month upon return.  


  • Deadline : 14th of October 2024  at 23:59 GMT
  • Result announcement : mid November 2024
  • Mobility project  implementation : November 2024 to June 2025
  • Grantees reporting : within one month after travel 

An external selection jury will be constituted and composed of a diverse group of experts working across both Portuguese and non-European Union Mediterranean countries. 

We invite all curious and interested individuals to join us for an informative webinar on September 19th 2024, at 15:30 GMT+1 / Portugal time (16:30 CEST). This webinar will provide an opportunity to learn more about the criteria and raise any questions you may have.

For further questions, please send an email directly to:

About GMMF partnership: 

The Roberto Cimetta Funds mission is to promote and facilitate the mobility of artists and cultural professionals through providing support for the preparation and implementation of their mobilities, by allocating travel grants and taking an active part in debates around mobility and cultural policies.

The Directorate-General for the  Artes  /Ministry of Culture of Portugal, mission is to coordinate and implement policies to support the arts in Portugal. Its priority is to promote and qualify artistic creation, as well as ensuring its enjoyment is open to all.

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is an international foundation, with headquarters in Portugal, which promotes the development of individuals and organisations, through art, science, education, and charity, for a more equitable and sustainable society.

Ready Steady Go! is a 10 months learning expedition/journey welcoming 14 artists and cultural professionals from the Mediterranean. It is developed by the Roberto Cimetta Fund in partnership with (IT), Busart (GR), Al Badil (TU), Amuni (FR).

Through immersive workshops, online capacity building sessions and international gatherings, Ready Steady Go! aims to support artists and cultural professionals to identify and apply for mobility funding and support schemes and to increase their access to the international scene. 

Ready Steady Go! includes a series of activities to increase participants’ access to the international scene in order to develop their career:

  • 3 online capacity development sessions
  • a 4 days workshop in Italy
  • a 4 days final meeting in Greece

Aiming at promoting inclusive mobility, this call for applications is dedicated to artists and cultural professionals interested in developing a proper project that includes an international mobility within and outside their region, offering a space for debate and practical tools. 

The call is now closed and results were announced.

Launch of the ASF'ART artistic and cultural mobility fund in Morocco

Supported by the Institut Français du Maroc and the Hiba Foundation, and at the initiative of the Roberto Cimetta Fund, ASF’ART, the first inter-regional artistic and cultural mobility fund, aims to promote mobility within Morocco for young artists and art students. By offering opportunities to take part in artistic events in the regions and discover Morocco’s cultural sites, ASF’ART opens up new prospects for young artists and art students. 

ASF’ART was created following a series of consultations initiated by the Roberto Cimetta Fund in Morocco, inspiring the Hiba Foundation and the Institut Français to launch the country’s first artistic and cultural internal mobility fund. 

The objectives of this innovative fund are :

  • Promote and facilitate inter-regional artistic mobility in Morocco for arts and culture professionals and students 
  • Promote and facilitate the mobility of artists and the dissemination of their work at national level 
  • Increase access to culture and the arts on a national scale 
  • Broaden audiences and contribute to the development of the arts market in Morocco
  • Contribute to the development of professional careers for artists and students 
  • Facilitate exchanges and networking between artists and students and cultural structures in the regions.  

This fund is entirely dedicated to national mobility within Morocco and is specifically aimed at :

  • Young artists aged 18 to 30, in all disciplines
  • Students aged 18 to 30 in the field of culture and the arts.

Examples of beneficiaries eligible for the Asf’Art fund : 

  • A student from the Institut National des Beaux-Arts in Tétouan wishing to visit an exhibition at the Mohammed VI Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rabat 
  • An artist from Oujda wishing to attend an artistic residency to which he has been invited in Agadir 
  • An artist from Meknès wishing to take part in the Visa For Music market in Rabat, etc. 

By filling in the form, you are applying for a fund that will only cover accommodation, transportation costs and meals for the duration of the event or mission.

Important: all requests must be submitted at least one month before the trip. 

This fund is NOT an international mobility fund and only concerns mobility within Morocco.  

By supporting their national mobility, the ASF’ART fund offers them a platform to participate in festivals, residencies, exhibitions, art markets, museum visits and many other cultural events in the 12 regions of Morocco. Offering a unique chance for these emerging talents to acquire new skills, explore new horizons and meet exciting artists and cultural players in their home country. 

Applications are made by submitting an application form.A selection committee made up of the project’s partners selects the ‘scholarship holders’ and the Hiba Foundation manages the operational side of the fund.

For more information, you can contact the Hiba Foundation at this address:

Call for mobility grants results announced - March 2023

The results of the call for applications for mobility grants have been announced! 

This year, the RCF has allocated mobility grants, giving priority to candidates with little access to mobility and/or little integration in the international cultural scene. These grants will allow women artists and cultural professionals from the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean to contribute to the realization of their projects involving south-south mobility (North Africa and the Middle East). 

Congratulations to all those selected ! And thank you to all the candidates for their participation in this call.

13 Bis rue Henri Monnier

75009 Paris - France

Manifeste en faveur de la mobilité des artistes et des professionnel.